Saturday, May 19, 2012

Aspiring Writers, Get in Here!!!!

Hey everyone!! Hope all is well. Okay, so I've still been on workaholic mode; writing, reading manuscripts, attending business meetings and book interviews so I definitely had to take this time to check in with all of you. I can't thank everyone enough for all the emails and notes through my contact page with your reviews, support and inspirational words. I especially love the emails from aspiring writers asking for advice and tips on publishing because I can remember when I was reaching out to Authors when I first started out seeking feedback. Some replied some didn't and I promised myself that once I planted my seed in this game, I would never act brand new. That being said, your emails have inspired me to do weekly blogs on publishing advice/tips so make sure you keep checking in weekly for some tips on what have worked for me. Today I will share the number ONE jewel which is to do your RESEARCH. I know you may have heard that a million times but it's critical in order to stay afloat in this business. Rather you want to get published or go the self-publishing route, research the business to learn the ins and outs of publishing. It's a cut-throat business but if you enter with your business game tight, you will succeed. If you go in blind you will get minimal results. Remember there are tons of Authors out there no matter what genre you choose, so think about that "something different" you can bring to the table to stand out, come fully equipt with your knowledge from all of your research and you will WIN!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Listen to me Live!!

I recently did a radio interview on 1380 WAOK a CBS network in Atlanta with Lorraine Jaques-White in the morning discussing my new book "If All Men Cheat, All Women Should Too!" I talked about why I wrote this book and how the biggest misconception about this book is that it's a "how-to" cheat book for women. It's actually the total opposite of that, this book was meant to highlight cheating and why both parties shouldn't cheat.... Listen in and let me know if you agree with my reasoning for writing such a controversial title #enjoy!:

Friday, May 4, 2012

This has been a very busy week, I've been doing photoshoots, radio interviews, writing and prepping for meetings with cable networks. Needless to say, I'm exhausted. I literally stay up to about 3am every night working my fingers off but by no means am I complaining. I love what I do and all the reviews that my readers leave for my work make it all worth it. Ok lets talk about the photoshoot. This time I got to shoot with my kids!!! Yes, you will see my babies and I gracing the pages of one of your fav mags in upcoming weeks. This was by far my FAV shoot of all times. Although my babies got tired of taking pics and wanted to run around and play on the set, we got some really nice shots. I posted some for y'all to view below, enjoy!!